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Tell us more about what services you’re interested in

For us to help you, we need to know which of the services that we offer that you would like to know more about. Please read the descriptions of the programs and services we offer below, and then select the ones you’re interested in and then we can get started crafting a custom plan just for you!

 Homebuyer & Landlord Education Program

Looking to purchase a home? Look no further than NWBRV. Our HUD Certified Housing Counselors are ready to guide you through your home purchase journey. Please, select the option or options applicable to you.

I am searching for a home to buy and/or have been pre-approved for a mortgage loan. I would like to receive additional knowledge and guidance to navigate the home buying process. I will also benefit from down payment assistance program information.

I am interested in working with my hands and helping to build my brand new home.  I am interested in a rural affordable homeownership program through the USDA.

I am looking to purchase a multifamily property in RI. I need to learn more about Landlord/ Tenant rights and responsibilities.

 Financial Education/Financial Capability

Who does not need some financial support? Our Certified Financial Coaches offer thorough financial assessments, help you to create the right plan for your needs, and support you in achieving your financial goals.

I need help organizing my finances and improving my credit. I would like financial capability services that will provide long-term credit and budgeting services to help me reach my overall financial goals.

 Existing Homeowner Services

If you are a homeowner in need of guidance, NWBRV has a variety of services that can assist you make informed decisions and address challenges you may be facing. Click here and select the box.

I am struggling to make my mortgage payments on time. I have already fallen behind on my payments and am in danger of foreclosure.

 Consent to Receive Documents Electronically

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